Game Jam Release + Bug Fixes 'n Tweaks

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that Rogue-Shooter, my first game ever made for a Game Jam (even if one organised by friends), is out and in a (hopefully) stable state! This is also my first properly published game that wasn't on Scratch (yeah, THAT was an era of its own.) and I'm quite proud with what I've made, though obviously there's more to be added to this. For the next month I'll work on adding bug fixes, tweaking stuff and maybe adding a bit of extra content to freshen up this game for all of you who decided to click on this page! Make sure to keep up with this page because there's quite a lot to be added, and who knows when I might start working on Definitive Edition...

The launch includes the currently only gamemode, that being "Survival Endless". In the future there may be more gamemodes, but this is the only one for now. There's also 4 different enemies, 2 different bosses, 2 weapons and 5 perks. Alongside this, a lot of initial bugs (like how the third enemy type wouldn't show itself visibly or certain typos/bugs that I missed at first glance) have been patched out in v1.04. That being said, you know the nature of video games, there's always more bugs to be found behind the corner if you look for 'em!

Special shout-outs to @sem5t for hosting the Game Jam - If it wasn't for him, this game wouldn't even be conceptualized in the first place! As for the Game Jam, the topic that we were competing for was "Chaos and Order". Unfortunately, only 2 of my other friends managed to finish their games on time, but I'll still link them below so you can check them out!

sem5t's game: (password: chaostheory)

MISMASJETU's game: (password: nofont)

Thank you for not only clicking on this page and trying out the game, but also for reading through my messy devlog. I promise I'll try writing these way better in the future!


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53 days ago

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